Code Visualizer is a tool to automatically generate a design drawing from Java source code. It visualizes a sequence of processing flows triggered by user actions as sequence diagrams and CRUD Matrix.
DB Administrator is a tool of DB migration, JPA (Java Persistence API) reverse engineering and DB design document generation.
Web Tester is test automation tool for web application. You can create test scripts automatically from a web page, or you can create them with non-prolaming using a dedicated GUI tool. It also automatically acquires highly readable evidence simultaneously with test execution.
Dev Servers is a Docker Compose asset to setup server tools for CI / CD. GitBucket, Jenkins, SonarQube, Redmine can be setup with one command. In addition, you can log in to each server tool with the same user account.
We hold workshop to study how to use SI-Toolkit or techonlogies used in it. If you want to join or get announces of our event, follow one of the following comunities.
SI-Toolkit is a set of tools for use in system development projects. Each tool is an embodied idea for developing a higher quality system in a shorter time. All tools are released under Apache Lisence 2.0, and anyone can use it free of charge.